Friday, March 4, 2011

Kadians Basketball season

He made this shot!! Good job buddy!!

Heather and Josh came to our house for a visit. Preston, Dempsey and Gage eating the snow right off the shrubs..
"Helping" mom rake leaves

Halloween Party

Cake walk

Raggiey Ann and Iron Man
Digging post holes for our back fence

We got Guinea Pigs. Gage absolutely loves them!!

Jer still needs some convincing...
Kadian is #63

Go Panthers!

Cheerleader in training

A love note from Jer. We painted our bedroom and I came home to this message on my wall.
going on a frog hunt

Tylee and Jeff and Cami came over for a visit. Looking at a skeeter bug in the bird bath

Bow hunter in training
Dad and Gage running through the sprinklers

Watching the garden grow and picking peas.

Jer jumping the four wheeler last summer

Kadian taking his turn

My little guy picking flowers for me!

We stopped by the lake to rest for a few minutes to see if we could find frogs

Doug and Kadian trying to find some too

Gage riding his new bike

Dad took me on a very muddy ride

Just look at all this mud on me!!