It is fun when the family gets together!! Brother and Sister time. They only get to see each other a couple of times a year so they took advantage while camping during the summer.
I'm so glad you started a blog!! It's great to see you guys and your cute little family! Fun to see other Emery County friends too. Tell Jodie Hi for me next time you see her!
Just so you know I have a TON of links on my blog for all the crafty projects I do! My favorite one is "How Does She".
Our story began May 21, 2005.
Jeramie and I have been married for 5 years this year. We have 3 wonderful kids. Kadian, Doug and Gage.
I love having all boys because most of the time that means I'm very spoiled. That also means I can be out voted at any given moment.
Last night I was laying by Gage to get him to sleep. When all the sudden he put his little arms around me and said "Don't be afraid of the monsters mom, I'm here to protect you." My little knight in shining armor.
Sorry Gage. Just as soon as I get batteries for my camera I will get a picture up. But in the mean time, I would like to tell you about my little whirlwind named Gager. (That is what he calls himself if you ask his name, cute huh!)
Gager goes non-stop from the time he wakes up in the morning, which is blessedly around 9:30, until he goes to bed around 10:00 at night. We are trying to get this a little earlier but the little guy just lays there fighting it.
Gage loves his brothers!! He waits all day for them to come home from school so they can play. His new favorite cartoon in Ni Hao, Kai-lan. Funny, because this is not an action cartoon. He will drop everything when he hears the music to this show. Jeramie says I need to find spiderman or transformers for him. Typical guy response, I say hey it's somewhat educational.
Gage is a very picky eater, but his favorite food is Mac & Cheese. He has gotten brave about trying new things though. He ate an artichoke the other night, totally suprising me.
He cracks me up constantly!! He has quite the imagination! I am always having to hold imaginary bugs and dinosaurs and puppies and etc, etc... He totally believes in monsters, but knows that daddy will beat them up if they show themselves.
And he tells me bedtime stories. Which I need to write down so I will always remember these cute stories!
I love his very random hugs, he is more free with these. Kisses are very rare but all the more special. He loves his best buddy Brode and his honorary sister Aspen and he thinks baby Charlee is better then a puppy!
Doug is my free spirit! He hates to have his hair cut!! He wants sideburns like Elvis. He also likes to grow it all year long so he can have a super mohawk in the summer. What a character!!
He is my mischievious child. He is always the prankster!!
He has tried all the sports this year. Flag foot ball this fall which was a kick to watch! And of course me without my camera. Basketball just got finished and he is turning out to be a very good little player! Wrestling starts this week. He is also doing math for an hour everyday after school and scouts one day a week. He is very busy!! He never complains about finishing his homework, just comes home and gets it done. It is awesome!!!
Doug would eat noodles for every meal if I let him. And oddly artichokes are his favorite vegetable. He is a very good brother! But prefers to be known as the teasing brother.
He has this one particular smile that can pretty much get him out of serious trouble too. And he uses it often!!
Kadian is Growing up right before my eyes!!
His favorite sports are football and basketball with baseball following behind at a distant third or fourth. He is a HUGE Saints fan!! So the super bowl was a big deal at our house this year!!
He absolutely HATES math!! But loves science, and wood shop. He is really talented with his wood work. Which I will get to take full advantage of when I decide what kind of shelves I want. He made me a very cool Christmas present this year that I will take a picture of so you can see his skills.
Kadian is always very thoughtful!! He is always quick with a smile, and a hug if you need one. He will make a very good husband and father one day. He is very protective of his younger brothers. That is to say he can pick on them but nobody else had better touch them.
The doctor will see you now.
Tylee and Gage
Favorite all time movie
Pride and Prejudice
Daddy and Gage making the family omlettes. They make the Sunday breakfasts at our house. So nice of them to give mom a break!
I'm so glad you started a blog!! It's great to see you guys and your cute little family! Fun to see other Emery County friends too. Tell Jodie Hi for me next time you see her!
ReplyDeleteJust so you know I have a TON of links on my blog for all the crafty projects I do! My favorite one is "How Does She".